Archana and Amit Chandra
Archana Chandra is the CEO of Jai Vakeel Foundation & Research Centre, serving intellectually challenged children
Amit Chandra is Chairman, Bain Capital India. The A.T.E. Chandra Foundation anchors the philanthropic giving of Chandra Family
Archana & Amit Chandra are married with one child.
"The world is filled with opportunities and we all have the choice to make which ones to choose? After fulfilling the basic goals we set to achieve in life, we can choose to be on the endless treadmill of material pursuit or pursue the amazing opportunity of making the world around us a better place.
That opportunity opens us up to fulfilling ourselves far more than any material goods can, for there is incredible joy in giving, in experiencing things around improve, often one person at a time!
By God’s grace, Archana and I have been on that journey for many years now, and distributed a multiple of our income than we have consumed. We have pledged to give away well in excess of 50% of our wealth. If we could simply help solve a few problems facing society around us with the money and time we are blessed with, we feel it would fulfil us far more than anything else in our lives."
- Archana and Amit Chandra